





Bobbie N.: Welcome to HostGator, how may I assist you?

guodong: Hi, I'm from china.

guodong: I really want to buy a BABY hosting Plan.

guodong: But I heard that you dont provide service to chinese.

guodong: So is it real?

Bobbie N.: Please wait while I check.

guodong: OK

Bobbie N.: Yes we host to China.

Bobbie N.: China blocks us a lot of the time.

guodong: Oh. I'm glad to hear that.

guodong: I want to buy the BABY Hosting Plan with my Paypal account

Bobbie N.: Ok

Bobbie N.: Thank you for using HostGator Live Chat. Your opinion is very important to us. When closing the chat, please take a minute to fill out the brief survey that pops up so that we may continue to improve our customer service and support.

Bobbie N.:

Bobbie N.: Use that link.

guodong: OK. Thanks for you service.

Bobbie N.: Is there anything else I can help you with?

guodong: I will go and order the plan soon. Thanks .

guodong: Bye now.


客服澄清了这一事件,说他们会对中国用户提供服务。然后我通过Paypal订购了一个Baby Hosting Plan。在我支付完几分钟之后,Hostgator就来了2封邮件,详细介绍了我的帐户信息,期间没有经过任何的电话确认和其他审核事件。

购买完之后,我还专程打开Live chat 窗口对客服人员表达了谢意。可惜客服已经换了别人,新客服表示会将我的谢意转告她。

这是一次愉快完美的购物旅程。 我发表这篇文章,只是希望国内想买国外主机的用户,不要人云亦云,以为Hostgator真的停止对中国服务而错失一个速度快服务好的外国优质空间。任何事情都是要自己去试一下才知道是真是假。



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